Track 7 from the 2000 album “Beauty & Innocence”
a wordplay that walks from idealised love to disappointment – and back.
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Beauty & Innocence
Words & Music Mark Hilton Copyright © 1996
Catalogue #304
Beauty called up Innocence
to go out on a date
“Let’s go out together,
before it gets too late.”
But Innocence was Happy
with everything she had,
so Beauty faded slowly,
while Happiness got Sad.
Sad got Sick & Tired,
who told her what to do
“Get Smart or maybe Cunning –
Just try something new!”
Cunning was a ratbag,
loved by all he had.
He was Weak & Insecure,
for Wealthy was his Dad.
“You don’t really love me Dad!”
he spat out through his teeth,
“You just want to stay on top
with Mother underneath.
His Mother was Invention
who somehow made it work,
but Work was laying Idle,
and Idle was a jerk.
Jerk & Off got Boring,
and they both went to Seed.
Seed was sprouting Bullshit,
who’d done a dirty deed.
The Deed was Diabolical,
and Ugly was a Sin
who hadn’t slept for seven days,
the Week were getting thin.
The Thin were looking Beautiful
right between the eyes,
begging for approval
in every Shape & Size.
The Sighs were barely audible,
and quicker than the Dead,
Dead was feeling Lively,
so they got into Bed.
And Bed was like a Prison
that woke up in the night,
when all the Fun went out,
and gave themselves a fright.
So Beauty called up Innocence
to go out on a date
“Let’s get together now,
before it gets too late.”