YouTube video

8mm film by Bill Hilton
Video shoot by Monique van Eeuwijk

Quiet Christmas

from a song title by Frank Millward
Words & Music Mark Hilton © Copyright 2020
Catalogue #753

It’s a quiet Christmas, fog’s coming down
Over my street, south of the town
I miss the commotion, my faraway friends
So just for tonight, let’s pretend

It’s a quiet Christmas

It’s a quiet Christmas, barely a noise
Let’s drink to the ghosts and play with our toys
The door to your heart, it breaks and it bends
So just for tonight, let’s pretend

Maybe in one kind year or two
Christmas won’t be so blue

It’s a quiet Christmas

Like an old soldier, I pray for the best
I’m all out of breath, so please be my guest
The weight of the world, all dust in the end
So just for tonight, let’s pretend

Maybe in one kind year or two
Christmas won’t be so blue

It’s a quiet Christmas…